Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Jacobites Completed!

Managed to push through painting the last of the highlanders and got the basing done. I have enough spare figures for a few more units, even after using some for Weem's highlander company that fought for the government army. I also painted up Purcell's Irish as well, this means I have finished the Jacobite army for Killiecrankie. 

Here we have Purcell's Irish offering a nice visual contrast in their off-white uniforms. 

And here are the three highlander units I just finished up. If I'm not mistaken the black and yellow saltire is that of the Campbells (who I don't believe were present) but they will be for the Argyll Uprising. I believe the yellow standard with a mailed arm with sword is that of Clanranald and the yellow and red banner is the war flag for the Camerons.

And finally we have the entire army. Six units of highlanders, Purcell's Irish, two cavalry detachments and the command bases of Ewan Cameron and Viscount Dundee. It's a small army but I think it will provide a nice game for Tercios with 8 full units, a couple of detachments and two commanders leading them.

As mentioned above, I finished my first government unit which is a detachment base (30mm square) representating Weem's independent highland company. This closeup of Weem's highlanders shows off the very nice sculpts with multiple poses. I have several units of red-coated infantry underway and will be anticipating a parcel in the mail from Baccus that will allow me to complete Mackay's army. More updates to come.