Monday, December 23, 2024

Ravenfeast Anglo-Saxon Army

It was a bit of a slog but I finally finished off my Big Battle Ravenfeast Anglo-Saxon army...a total of 30 bases. With this force, I can game Fulford Gate, Samford Bridge and Hastings. 

Pictured above is the entire army, almost entirely Old Glory 10mm with some Magister Militum cavalry (or perhaps mounted infantry?). 

First up are eight bases of general fyrd. I went with muted figures for these fellas. This is probably my least favorite strip of figures in the Old Glory 1066 range. I think it's the shields (I'm not so sure about the convex oval one) and the fact you can't really cut this particular sculpt apart to get a little more dynamic pose. They are fairly easy to paint. 

Here we have the select fyrd, also eight bases. Same sculpts but I went with a bit more colorful shields and even some designs. Their clothing has a few more borders and such on them. 

Here is the rear view of some of the fyrd. Not much armor on these guys. 

I also took some photos of the three bases of  archers but managed to accidentally delete them...anyway, if I still had them they would be here. Tthey will give the army  a (very tiny) bit of a ranged combat ability. Some of these sculpts may be Norman archers but I figured there probably isn't much difference in appearance between various peasant archers of western Europe. 

Here we have the mighty Huscarls. Reputedly some of the finest infantry in the world at the time, these sculpts are heavily armored with axes and kite shields strapped to their backs. I enjoyed painting these sculpts. 

And here is the rear view of them. I painted curved cross designs on some of the shields to break up the monotony of solid colors. Fairly pleased with the results since I didn't really lavish a whole lot of effort in painting this army. 

And next up are the three command bases with draco standards and heroic looking leaders. The red draco is Harold Godwinson and the others are his brothers. 

Lastly we have the mounted huscarls which are an option for Samford Bridge. I believe there's some dispute if they actually fought mounted but I figured I would paint up the option for completeness' sake. 

I'm glad to finish this army, it was a bit tedious to paint but nowhere near as much of a slog as the Vikings. I can now play the first two scenarios of the 1067 campaign. The Normans will probably wait just a bit as I will want to take a quick detour to paint up some other small projects before returning to complete this project with William the Bastard's army. 


  1. Fantastic - very impressive and lovely painting.

  2. Thanks Jim! Looking forward to finishing up the Normans and moving on to another project!
