Sunday, August 11, 2024

6mm Highlanders

 I started these little fellows before the trip to Scotland and I was in a rush to finish at least one base's worth. I completed painting that initial batch and they were all very vibrant in greens and reds...however after reading Stuart Reid's book on the battle of Killiecrankie, I was reminded that plaids in the late 17th century were much more drab in browns, blues, muted greens and reds, violets and grey. I painted up another batch of figures on this more accurate and muted palette to dull down the flamboyant fellas of the initial batch. 

I have enough figures painted for 3 bases (2 shown here, still working on the basing of the 3rd). The plan is to paint up about half a dozen bases along with some cavalry and commanders. 

These little buggers will be used for the Argyll Uprising, Killicrankie and whatever hypothetical scenarios I dream up. 

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