Lastly, here is a comparison picture of (L-R): Heroics and Ros infantry, an H&R T-55, a GHQ T-80 and Mainforce infantry.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
6mm Soviets and Mujahadeen
Lastly, here is a comparison picture of (L-R): Heroics and Ros infantry, an H&R T-55, a GHQ T-80 and Mainforce infantry.
10mm Carthaginian Army Camp for To The Strongest
Old School Gobbo Chariots
I started off in the hobby at an early age when my parents purchased some old MiniFig Napoleonic figures at a flea market. I stayed in historicals until some high school friends got me into warhammer in the mid-90s (one of these friends, CreepinDuff has an awesome blog - FreshMilk with plenty of OldHammer posts). While I am pretty much historical nowadays, I do have sentimental feelings for the old Marauder and Citadel ranges.
During the early days of the pandemic, I tackled some old goblin projects and made a few ebay purchases to add to my small Warhammer leadpile. Here are two goblin chariots that I painted up:
On the left (in the red and yellow palette) is an old Citadel goblin battle chariot, to the right (with the blue color theme) is the smaller Marauder chariot.
Here is a frontal shot to give you a good idea of the size difference of the wolves.
The Marauder chariot was a very easy kit to assemble: one piece chariot carriage floor with axle and shaft, carriage front plate, wheels and yoke...5 total pieces. The Marauder wolves are very nice sculpts but on the small side and have very weak ankles. The one wolf's ankles snapped and required some pinning. I went with a blue and natural stained wood scheme and the face sculpted on the front plate was a bit of challenge for me to get right.
The Citadel battle chariot was a little more fiddly to assemble with additional parts. It comprised of carriage floor, carriage sides, wheels, shaft, axle and yoke. Seven total parts and a little trickier to put together. I didn't add the scythes on either chariot and opted to go with archers for both. I have several more of these chariots that I need to assemble and paint up. Stay tuned...
Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba
As I slowly stumble my way through the completion of my 10mm Imperial army for Fleurus, I decided to tackle the army commander himself, Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba. In Deo Veritas rules call for the army commander to be on a 50mm base.
This gave me some additional space to make a vignette and I decided to use Vincenzo Carducci's painting of the battle as some inspiration. You can see the painting below: