Saturday, October 12, 2024

Government Army for Killiecrankie

I've had some travel these past few weekends which has impacted my productivity. I know that these armies won't be complete for the Fall In convention, I'm hoping I to get gameable forces to get in a game with my good friend Rob. Mackay's army isn't complete just yet but I figured I would give a progress report.

First up is Kenmure's regiment. I have two battalions of this regiment. These were one of the units raised prior to the battle. The other regiment was Leven's, which I plan to field on the tabletop with bonnet conversions (if I am pleased with the green stuff  attempts at bonnets)..

Next up is Ramsay's regiment, one of the units of the Scots Brigade. I should mention that the government flags are from Barry Hilton's League of Augsburg range. Beautiful flags, Ramsay's has an interesting design with the chevron and creature (seal?) on the chevron.

Balfour's regiment, all of these fellows are in red coats faced white.

Bellhaven's and Annandale's horse. I decided to paint one of the units in blue (a common color for militia).

Both Bellhaven's and Annandale's horse are small units, just detachments.

Next up are Lauder's grenadiers. These were a converged group of grenadiers from the various units who operated as the vanguard of Mackay's army.

The Scottish grenadiers at the time wore a stocking cap with brown fur upturned liner. In order to replicate this look, I used Baccus' French dismounted dragoons from their WSS range. 

At Killiecrankie, the Scots government army likely had some "leather guns", for my army I opted to use a small gun from their Sun King range. I painted the barrel a black so that one mistake it as a leather gun. 

Scottish gunners wore a similar headgear as the grenadiers. Again, I opted to use converted French WSS dragoons. I should point out that the gun's apparently weren't very effective in the battle. There is an account of one of their shot becoming lodged (and stopped) by a highlander's targe. 

Here re see the command bases, Mackay is on the right and Balfour is in the buff coat on the left.

The full Scottish government army thus far. I still need to paint up five more infantry brigades.



  1. Nicely done. Real life can be so inconvenient. Good luck on the game and please keep up the examples of your work.

  2. Thanks! I will keep trying to grind away! How do you like the Silver Bayonet?
