Friday, November 8, 2024

New Purchases and Norse Progess

Since Fall In, I've managed to keep the pedal to the metal and make good painting progress. I finished the painting on my Big Battle Ravenfeast Viking army, with the archers, scouts and Tostig's rebels finished this week. I still need to ink and base the recently painted figures, but once complete will be showcased in blog post of their own. I started working on the Saxon hope is that Rob and I can game these battles at Cold Wars (if there is a Cold Wars).

In other news, I made a few purchases this week. While surfing Tumbling Dice's website, I noticed Jim Jackaman's Corsairs and Cavaliers ruleset for Wings at War range was released. I had to get my hands on these as Jim has been such an inspiration for me. I added some ironclads for the 1879 War of the Pacific to my shopping cart (yest another project I really should tackle and complete).
I also placed a decent sized order from Pendraken, some Boers and Afghans to fight my 19th century colonial British. That reminds me that the Pendraken painting competition is around the 
corner in February although I'm not sure I will participate. 


Last but not least, here are some of the scenery pieces I purchased from Monster Fight Club, I plan to use those bushes for trees in smaller scale games like To The Strongest...which reminds me that I really need to start those 10mm Persian, Indian and Macedonian armies for To The Strongest once I finish the Normans and Saxons for Big Battle Ravenfeast.

On the topic of purchases, it seems that Magister Militum's 10mm historical ranges have been sold to a new (and unknown) owner. It was about 14 months ago that Magister Militum stopped taking orders (of things not in stock). I made several very large purchases before the deadline trying to get everything I could possibly need. It didn't take long for me to realize there were things that I wished I had ordered. And of course I recently acquired a large bundle of MM Mid/Late War WW1 Germans and British that I'd like eventually expand upon with some artillery and French ...


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sure they will be a blast Jim! Now I just need to paint the little planes up!
