After Fall In, I opted to try to finish my Big Battle Ravenfeast armies for the 1066 campaign. For a while (over a year), my Viking host had been languishing unfinished. I am proud to report that is no longer the case.

Here is the entire army of Harald Hadrada. There are 13 bases of bondi, 4 bases of hirdmen, 4 bases of scouts, 3 bases of archers, 3 of Scottish spearmen, 3 bases of defector Saxons (followers of Tostig), one berserker stand and 3 command bases (Harald, Tostig and Eystein Orri).

First up are the bondi (or raiders in the rules), there are lots of brightly colored bases. In order to fight either Fulford Gate or Stamford Bridge, I will need 13 bases of bondi, I ended up painting two extra. These are all Old Glory and these were my least favorite sculpts to paint.

Here are the Scottish spear, mercenary spears for hire. Painted in drab, cool earth tones. All the figures are Magister Militum. I've painted these guys before to represent dark ages Irish.

Next are some elite hirdmen. I will have to go back into the scenarios and make sure I only need four bases of these fellas (EDIT: I just checked and it's only four, thank goodness). All Old Glory sculpts.

The commander bases (L-R: Tostig, Eystein, Harald). There are two Viking commanders and one Saxon. The Viking commanders have banners and I attempted to draw some fancy horse and raven glyphs on these but the ink ran a bit. The Saxon commander (Tostig) has a red draco standard. Also Old Glory sculpts.

The Saxon scouts for the Fulford Gate scenario. I used a mix of random sculpts from Magister Militum and Pendraken. I tried to go with as many unarmored figures, many of them not Viking sculpts.

The Viking archers bases, all three of them. Mostly Old Glory, maybe all actually.

Here are my three bases of Saxon defectors. These are Old Glory Saxon fyrd. These are fairly easy figures to paint.

Lastly my singular base of Vikings Berserkers. These little fellas feature in the Stamford Bridge scenario and are all Old Glory.
And that's the full army, I've already begun my Saxon army.. hopefully I can get this army done before Christmas and start working on the tried and final army...William's Norman conquerors.