Thursday, March 20, 2025

Most Welcome News...

As you may have guessed from my blog posts, I am a lover of 6mm and 10mm figures. Some of my favorite manufacturers over the years have been Baccus (6mm), Pendraken and Magister Militum (both 10mm). 

Not too long ago, I remember I was in a hotel room in McAllen, Texas when I learned that Magister Militum was closing up shop. This caused a panic as I had multiple projects involving MM figures that were half-complete or never started (WW1, Crimean War, Biblical, etc.). I placed several large orders but I knew that I hadn't ordered everything that I needed. 

Magister Militum closed and I waited for someone to purchase the 10mm historical ranges. A few months back I learned that this had happened but didn't know who the buy was. Today I was delighted to learn that Peter Berry and Baccus acquired the rights to the Magister Militum 10mm historical ranges. It is of great comfort to me to know that I can continue on finishing the various projects that I either never completed not ever started.