Back in 2019/2020, I posted about the To the Strongest project my buddy Rob and I embarked on
I managed to finish Carthaginian and Polybian Roman armies in the span of a year. They were initially purchased at the Wally's Basement flea market of Cold Wars 2019 and one year later, Rob and I braved the onset of Covid to play a battle of TTS with my freshly painted armies. We had a blast (as we constantly slathered ourselves in hand sanitizer) and later played them at one of the later conventions with our buddies Bill and Matt.
At some point shortly after these games, I purchased more armies to build Macedonian/Successor, Persian and Indian armies. Time went by, Rob never finished his armies (I think his Romans were partially started), Bill purchased Gauls but these never got off the ground and the impetus for the project stalled.
Recently Rob decided to try and kickstart his TTS armies and this gave me motivation to start painting my remaining armies.
I love elephants and the Indians have them and chariots in droves. I love colorful pastels and the Persians offer these in the cacophony of colors their soldiers wear into battle. As much as I wanted to resume the project by tackling one of these armies...I decided the responsible thing to do would be to finish the Macedonians first. This army will do double duty as a generic Successor army with the inclusion of elephants and I can use them against the Romans and Carthaginians. From there I can move on to "guilty pleasure" armies of Darius and Poros.
I managed to paint up my first Macedonian unit. I went with a unit of phalangite pikemen. These fellas represent a "silver shield" unit of veterans. They have red tunics and pikes since red is the color of war, white linen cuirasses and silver armor. I think they came out spiffy. I already prepped and primed two more like units and started painting one of them. I did some inventory and realized my Persians and Indians needed some additional units so I placed a few orders to Old Glory and Tenth Legion for cavalry/chariots and elephants respectively.
The armies will compromise almost exclusively of Old Glory 10mm with the exception of the elephants which are mostly Magister Militum (now Tenth Legion) and Pendraken. Hopefully more updates will be consistently posted and this project won't languish again. Wish me luck!
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