Despite an operational pause during the painting for the weeks leading up to the Pendraken painting competition, I pushed through and finished the Norman army for Big Battle Ravenfeast. I need to see the scenery needed for the refights of the three battles of the 1066 campaign but I should have most of it and what I need (some Saxon buildings and army camps) should be minimal.
Here is the full army with an impressive mounted contingent. I have to say that this was probably the easiest of the armies to paint. The Vikings for whatever reason, were the ones that were tedious...and that was the first of the three armies I tackled.
The shock arm of the Norman host, their mounted knights. I developed a pretty quick .method for painting these fellas. The shields were pretty easy too. You might notice one knight with a green shield that is a bit struggling...he sits in his saddle at a nearly 45 degree angle. It seems he slipped a bit during gluing or perhaps he's had too much wine.
Here are the Norman infantry, which are Old Glory's "Heavy Infantry".mostly chain mail and shields, I was able to breeze through these sculpts.
The three bases represent the Flemish infantry under Bishop Odo's command. I opted for the OG "Medium Infantry" for these guys since they have inferior ratings to the Norman infantry. Out of the various sculpts within the Norman army, these were probably the most annoying to paint because of the shield position.
Two bases of crossbow and two of archers represent the ranged capability of the army. The Old Glory crossbowmen only come in one pose, I would have preferred a second pose but I'm not too bothered. The archers actually have two poses and I painted a bunch of the standing pose but I couldn't find them ast the time of basing so I just used the firing pose. Good enough.
And lastly here are the three command bases representing William, Eustace and Odo. I thought about converting the sword in Odo's hand into a wooden club but I just wanted this army painted and on the table.
Now I just need to get in some tabletop battles with these three armies. With the completion of this project, the question becomes what is next up?
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