Wednesday, February 23, 2022

James Scott, Duke of Monmouth

I managed to paint the final piece for the 2022 Pendraken Painting Competition. This one will be entered into the Single Base category. For this entry, I chose to paint up a command stand for the rebels at Sedgemoor. The stand consists of James Scott, Duke of Monmouth charging into the fray alongside a cornet from his Lifeguard who is carrying a flag with the Duke's royal cypher on a gold background. 

For inspiration, I chose this painting of the Duke in a red coat faced white with a blue sash, riding a white charger.

Here is my version, a bit simplified:

Pendraken offers up a lot of mounted command types in wonderful poses but I only possessed one of these sculpts, so the same pose serves double duty as commander of Grey's troop of horse. I actually like this pose for Monmouth as it captures the dash and elan I associate with him. 

Here is a different angle, you can see the cypher a bit better and you can also see a casualty of the uprising. The Duke himself seems rather indifferent to the plight of his fallen man on the ground. So that bring a conclusion to my painting for this competition. I managed to paint three entries in 3 weeks: Colonel Brandt's scythe battalion, Lord Grey's troop of horse and the dashing Duke himself. It was a fun and challenging mad dash to the finish line but I am glad I can relax a bit. I will probably snap a few pics of my British Para force for the Falklands and enter that into the Army category. 



  1. Thanks Ray, I appreciate the compliment especially coming from you. Love your blog and beautiful armies. I'm following the French Revolution activity because I plan to tackle that in 10mm at some point. Still trying to decide on rules and basing.

    1. We're playing another game this weekend, so look out for the report next week sometime. We're trying to get Richard to get his rules for the Revolution published, they really work well.
