Monday, August 19, 2024

Raise the Clans!

I've been making progress on my 6mm Killiecrankie project. Since the last post, I've added a third highlander unit, two detachments of Jacobite cavalry (a base of Highlander gentlemen and Dundee's followers from the Royal Regiment of Horse) and the two command bases. 

Here is the Jacobite army this far. I plan to add 2-3 more highlander units and also an Irish infantry unit. Then it's on to the Government forces. 

First up is the third highlander unit. I'm trying to use flags that can do double duty for both Killiecrankie and Argyll's Uprising (although I imagine the Red Lion Rampant wasn't used for the latter). I have the remaining highlanders primed and ready to be painted. 

Here we have an image of the two cavalry detachments, based on 30mm squares (same as artillery). I plan to use the Tercios rules and since the detachments aren't full units, I will give them diminished stats similar to light horse. The rules allow for detachments of infantry but not of cavalry. I don't think this modification will affect gameplay whatsoever. 

The gentlemen highlanders. I have them a muted palette of blues, greys, greens and red browns. The figures are the Scottish ECW cavalry, I modified a few by removing helmets and adding bonnets. If I was to do another base, I would keep the helmets. 

Next up are the rather smartly attired Royal Regiment of Horse. These guys represent the men from Dundee's regiment that decided to follow their commander in support of the Jacobite cause. We don't know if they retained their uniforms but Stuart Reid suggests that they probably would have. I think the scarlet and yellow uniforms add a nice splash of color to the muted colors of the Highlanders. 

Finally we have the command. These two bases represent James Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee (Bonnie Dundee) and Ewan Cameron of Lochiel. 

For Bonnie Dundee, I tried to make the lowlander Jacobite as bonnie and flamboyant as possible. He is in his bright scarlet uniform with gold trim and a loyal trooper from his old regiment riding alongside him. 

Lastly, is Ewan Cameron of Lochiel. Ewan was quite the imposing figure with dark hair and a mustache that curled up like the "moon's horns". According to Reid, Ewan was described as being armored (helmet, leather cuirass and chainmail) so I opted to use a rather gallant looking sculpt in armor from the ECW Scottish Generals pack to depict the warrior known as the "Ulysses of the Highlands ". I was even able to add a mustache to the sculpt! 

Well, that's it this far. I have the next batch of figures prepped and primed, more highlanders and the Irish. That will complete the Jacobite army and then I will tackle the Government forces. I plan to use a mix of figures from the Sun King and Scottish ECW ranges to represent Mackay's government army. I think I will downsize the government army (I will get into that later) which will have about 9 infantry units, two cavalry detachments representing militia horse, some "leather gun" artillery and two commanders.



  1. Stirring stuff Sir, keep up the fab work.

  2. Thanks Ray, always appreciate the kind words! Your 1914 battle and the review of Barry's Ireland and King James book are inspirational stuff!
