Saturday, February 11, 2023

Palo Alto - The Real Thing (sort of)

My gaming buddy Alex and I finally managed to get together to give Palo Alto a go with Field of Battle 3. Alex volunteered to command the Mexican Army of the North.

Alex's left flank of cavalry.

My thin blue line on the right flank.

The American battle line.

The Mexican lines advance. The swampy lands in the center slow the advance of the Mexican center.

The Mexican left and American right.

The Mexican 6th (lower left corner) has routed, 

Mexican 4th Line victorious!

It was heaps of fun. Alex had never played Field of Battle before but he picked it up quickly: I did some things wrong. A close run thing (to quote the Duke of Wellington), the American left and Mexican right fought to a draw while the Americans won the center and the Mexican left created the critical moments to give them victory.

The Mexicans lost the 6th and 10th line infantry regiments to the cold steel of American infantry. The American dragoons charged several times against the inferior Mexican Presidials but couldn't do anything. Both armies lost all of their army morale points but the Americans lost when they drew the Army Morale card and failed their morale roll.


  1. Great looking game and beautiful miniature collection!

    1. Thanks Eric, many years ago I first purchased the original Piquet after reading your accounts of games and seeing your beautiful tabletops. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  2. Excellent looking game. The figures are very impressive.

    1. Thank you very much for the kind words. I hope to get some of my other armies on the tabletop soon.
